I must contribute to give this turkey a '1' rating...
22 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Even as awful Sci-Fi films of the 50's-60's go, this is a pile of cinematic dreck. If it had even the mildest intention of campiness or one stitch of humor, real science, or a hint of believable special effects, it might work even a little bit. But, quite unfortunately, it's dead serious without any of these redeeming qualities...and that's not a good thing.

I thought another 60's Sci-Fi film, "The Angry Red Planet", was bad regarding to sexist remarks applied to a female astronaut/scientist, but the gruff captain in this one tops it with his prejudices against women. No wonder feminism kicked in later on down the line. Oh yeah, he redeems himself later by realizing what an idiot he had been but falls short of openly apologizing (and there's an attraction to the woman too, of course. Such drivel).

The alien encountered with the 'busy tongue' is jaw-dropping in its stupidity. Where's the telepathy or alien language? Nope, it's tongue-ese! Other 'special' effects are laughable and easy to see 'how it was done'. They have been explained sufficiently by others here in this forum, so I'll withhold my own specific two-cents.

So, if you must see as many Sci-Fi film relics from this era, by all means watch...all others with any modicum of discernment, it's best to steer clear of all the clichés.
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