Review of Patriots

Patriots (1996)
Not even close to reality in Belfast
14 December 2015
I only watched the first half hour of this. I just couldn't go on watching such a train wreck.

Firstly, I'm extremely sceptical that this is a true story, or even based on a true story. I'm no fan of the IRA, Provisional or otherwise, but their dialogue and actions are far from any reality in Belfast. The IRA were ruthless terrorists and murderers, but they were as professional as such an organisation can be. This movie depicts them like characters from the USA Wild West era.

All the characters who were supposed to be from Belfast had fake Republic of Ireland or fake stereotyped 'Oirish' accents. Not one of them had a Belfast accent, or even anything close to a Northern Irish accent.

The acting was shoddy, though I think that was due more to poor directing, terrible script and the struggles the actors had with trying to get the WRONG accent and turn-of-phrases right.

Apart from one scene in the first half hour which panned across the Belfast skyline, none of the rest of it appeared to be actually filmed in Belfast.

I would suggest that anyone interested in the Troubles avoid this movie but then again, few films about the Troubles rise above the level of mediocre.

In fact, avoid this film whether you are interested in the subject matter or not!
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