A fitting end for Robin Williams
13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***contains very slight spoilers***

I don't know what to say about the exasperated haters of this movie, so I'll just explain the movie…and life… This movie is rated PG. The Motion Picture Association of America created the ratings in response to people's desire to look at a simple rating to quickly determine if a movie is suitable for children…or tender little sensitive adult minds.

The MPAA rating PG is stated as: Some material may not be suitable for children. Parents urged to give "parental guidance". May contain some material parents might not like for their young children.

If you want all puppies and perfect Christmas fantasies/stories you should stick with G-rated movies and the Hallmark Channel where all the movies are nearly exactly the same…and safe for the sensitive.

Christmas is not all mulled cider, puppies under the tree and red rider BB guns to everyone. For a lot of people, Christmas brings apprehension, family arguments and even depression and big let downs. People are so sensitive to having their little "Christmas Bubble" burst, that if they encounter negativity they want to plug their ears and yell…la la la la la… so they don't have to be exposed to it. When you set expectations so high, you are bound to be disappointed…that's life.

That's life…this is the movie:

This flick covers the not so perfect…perfection in the end. It's is a harsh, stark reality blast that culminates in a good ending with lessons learned. It's not a feel good move and the comedy is built deep in to the depression and dysfunction.

The movie has most of the usual suspects, the bah humbug old man, the kids that already know Santa was a lie all along and the one young boy that still desperately wants to believe in Santa and the dad that desperately wants to provide that Santa for him because HIS dad squashed the idea of Santa for him at a young age.

Through all the dysfunction, there is a deeper lesson learned and a reconciliation between a dad and son's long time difficult relationship. The grumpy dad learns a harsh but good lesson in the end.

It really is a decent flick and very fitting for Robin Williams' last contribution. Everybody wants to remember him as that nutsy zany character with way too much energy. But, it turns out, like a lot of entertainers, that happy, crazy exterior concealed a dark depression within…and we all know he eventually took his own life in a very unflattering way to the shock of so many. This character of the unhappy old man fits the ending of Robin's life perfectly for me…it all makes more sense now.
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