"fun filled cartoon"
24 November 2015
What a fun cartoon this was to watch, no matter what age you are this cartoon caters for you... it has so many fun filled and realist elements to it. Although it has a unrealistic cartoon setting, it deals with so many realistic issues. (E.g. child adoption, friendship, hero's, bad guys, etc)

This cartoon displays excellent animation features, and the play of colour throughout the movie was well thought of. I could watch it over and over again.

Despicable Me is one of those cartoons you can watch with your kids and safely know that it will teach them a little samething, e.g. hw to treat a pet, or making someones day and how to respect someone's property. These real life issues are brought across in a light hearted way which makes it easy to enjoy with younger viewer's.

Amazing cartoon, I would definitely recommend it! A must watch!
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