Good Drama about Real People
9 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Van Johnson is an escaped convict with five more years to serve on his sentence. But he is on the run and looking for help from his attorney brother, Joseph Cotton, who didn't exactly put himself out to help him in the first place. Joseph is not glad to see him and Van is not happy about asking him for help now. In the middle of a deluge, washing out roads,Van is trapped and hiding out at Joseph's and wife Ruth Roman's house. They have rich and drinking neighbors in their area, which no one can leave due to the torrential downpour, And, the rivers won't subside for three to four days. Van Johnson has a wife and three children that needs money and care. He's asking Joseph for immediate help for them. "The Bottom of the Bottle" sounds like a film about an alcoholic. But while, Van does a history of drinking and can't hold his liquor well, the film is about so much more. I like movies like this, where the true star is the human story, or the family dynamic. The childhood Van and Joseph shared was something less than ideal and there is much resentment there. In fact, this plays out a little like "Touched by an Angel." But that is not a criticism, just a comparison. All the actors give fine performances and Van is especially good in a meaty role for him. The only criticism is that it does get rather melodramatic as it nears its conclusion. One would think this has no good ending with a runaway convict, but it plays out rather well despite some corny and/or sappy dialogue. But that element only makes the viewer feel that much more satisfied with the good resolution, and is one reason why I compared this to "Touched by an Angel." If you like good actors in good old-fashioned movies with real plot and real characters, then this definitely is worth your time.
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