I did like it but I am also a big Pierce Brosnan fan. Nothing original but entertaining and funny.
6 November 2015
"You can leave me, but I am not leaving that boy." Richard (Brosnan) is a college professor who teaches the classics and has a young and beautiful wife. When he finds out she is leaving him his life is shattered. He throws everything into his son and trying to get a new job. Things get complicated when he starts to notice Olivia (Hayek) in a different way and a problem with his Visa comes up. Now Richard must try to get a job, stay in the country, and find love with someone he never expected to. Judging by the synopsis you may think this sounds like a cookie cutter movie, and your right. The movie is pretty predictable and not original but it is funny and very watchable. Pierce Brosnan is a great choice for this and he really saves the movie from being something overly generic. There really isn't a whole lot to say about this since there has been a million movies with this same idea but even so this is still a good movie and defiantly worth a watch. I did like it but I am also a big Pierce Brosnan fan. Overall, nothing original but entertaining and funny. Worth seeing at least once. I give this a B.
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