Bond Goes Bourne
30 October 2015
Whoever gave Marc Forster the gig for Quantum of Solace deserves to be shot. This is not a Bond film, it's not even a competent action picture at that. Quantum of Solace sees Bond go up against Dominic Greene. This evil, dastardly, mean, treacherous man wants to control the water supply of Bolivia!

Well he can't be that bad can he? No he is not. He is certainly below Bond though and is pathetically puny. 007 barely pushes himself against Greene because he is just a slippery little snake and hardly worth his time. So there is no decent villain for Bond. So what does Quantum of Solace offer; well let me sum it up as quickly as possible, only fitting seeing as the film is the shortest James Bond picture to date and its questionable at best if any thought at all was given to the film.

James Bond does not even bed the Bond girl by the name of Camille. Has Bond lost his touch? Look I know as well as anyone what the idea was behind this choice. To highlight how fragile and broken Bond has become since the cold killing machine he was in Casino Royale. Hey kids, this is what we refer to as symbolism! Blatant, obvious and insulting symbolism. He is heartbroken by the death of Vesper. But this is not what I want to see in a Bond film, it is dreary and sucks all the fun out of the film.

In an obvious move to make the Bond franchise more like the Jason Bourne films, the action is edited completely differently. Well that's good. No it is not. Instead of utilizing wide shots like Paul Greengrass did in The Bourne Ultimatum. Marc Forster sticks with close ups for the non-stop hurl inducing action for Quantum of Solace. We have no bearing on what is happening and what is taking place. Well why should I care anymore? Bond has become Jason Bourne. He no longer beds the leading lady and cannot even bring himself to shoot down Dominic Greene. The editing of the action scenes is also so choppy it is incomprehensible, just like the plot of the film.

Quantum of Solace forgoes the tradition of James Bond. It is devoid of a worthy villain, a sexy promiscuous woman, entertaining action, gadgets, wit, humour, levity, fun, heart and a soul. I think that is it. Marc Forster leave the Bond franchise and take with you your artistic pretensions and two dimensional characters. In James Bond the villain is supposed to be an evil megalomaniac, not the Director!
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