Devilish Nightmare.
26 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Gathering up Horror DVDs to list on Ebay,I spotted a Gothic Horror title starring Erica Blanc that my dad had recently picked up,which led to me getting ready to experience some devilish nightmares.

Berlin 1945:

As bombs fall around them,the wife of Baron von Rhoneberg dies in childbirth.Shortly after his wife dies,Rhoneberg kills their new born baby girl (talk about taking things easy for the viewer!)

Years later:

Planning to visit an erotic island,a group of tourists discover that they have missed the last cruise ship for the day.Searching round for a place to stay,the tourists run into a stranger on the road,who tells them that Rhoneberg may allow them to stay at his castle for the night.Met by Rhoneberg's butler Hans,they are invited in and shown to their bedrooms. Settling down,the tourists meet Rhoneberg over dinner,who decides to treat the guests to some folk tales involving his family,one of which claims that the family have made a deal with the devil,who turns the first Rhoneberg daughters into a Succubus.

View on the film:

Filmed in a real castle,director Jean Brismée and cinematographer André Goeffers lock the group in with tight winding shots,which along with displaying long corridors in the castle,also creates a smooth atmosphere of impending Gothic Horror doom.Whilst the camera goes a bit jumpy for the ghost/demon effects, Brismée makes up for it by treating the Succubus in a lavish manner,by matching the rotting special facial effects with a keen eye to show ever section of the Succubus naked flesh.

Based around the 7 deadly sins,the screenplay by Pierre-Claude Garnier & Patrice Rhomm attempts to make each of the tourist a various sin.Whilst this idea does lead to some nice vicious deaths and a wonderfully jet-black comedic ending,the writers fail to connect any of the tourists to their particular sins,which leads to a long dry build up before the exposure of their original sins. Slithering across the screen, Erika Blanc gives a sizzling performance as Lisa Müller/the Succubus,thanks to Blanc making Lisa's nakedness being a powerful tool for dominance,as Lisa entwines herself around the tourists,and gives them all a devilish night.
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