This Warner Bros. "Merrie Melodies" episode . . .
21 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . is all over the map, featuring rampant gunfire, Al Jolson impersonations, hollow-log shenanigans, duck-as-rabbit masquerades, and disgusting chain-smoking by a character dubbed "Cedric R. Burrows." If there actually WERE a TV personality in the middle of the last century named "Edward R. Burrows" who hosted a boob tube program called "Person to Person," THEN this seven-minute-long animated short MIGHT qualify as "topical humor" (the sort of thing that should be buried with its original audience). The problem with this sort of pleasantry is that it sends people to Wikipedia after five minutes to try to "get" the meaning of the punch lines. The ancient Greeks and Romans no doubt had plenty of topical gags, but no one goes to Wiki them in order to puzzle out punch lines at this late date. PERSON TO BUNNY is equally hoary in its long-past-the-expiration-date but presumed humor, with "Mr. Burrows'" obnoxious smoking being one of the few aspects to which most modern day viewers might relate. Warner Bros. brags on its jewel case that PERSON TO BUNNY is "on DVD for the first time ever!" In the business, this is what's known as "scraping the bottom of the Vault."
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