like watching paint dry, but with Bridget Fonda as your host
18 October 2015
If Bridget hosted a nature conservation documentary dealing with dung-beetles, I'd buy the DVD. That said, if this one dealt with that subject, surely there'd be, like, say, these two territorial dung-beetles clamoring for a better chunk of the pie, and we'd have some intriguing development, which would make for better viewing than this drawn-out navel-gazer drama? I'm kidding. But not too much...

I saw it years ago, and what with Bridget's popularity here on the ElectricLadyLand screen, especially LEATHER JACKETS, reviewed some 16 months ago, I remembered that I was much enthralled with her beauty in this movie, though I couldn't remember the flick itself at all. Watching it tonight, I realize that there is naught else to remember. Had she not been in it, I wouldn't have signed up for the damn thing. Now, just as back then, I was only after Bridget.

Don't get me wrong. If your heart is opened to Bridget, you'd also notice that this movie is more than the sum of its parts. It's actually good, but if you notice the general gist of the other reviewers here, most guys will get restless because of the slow build-up.

LEATHER JACKETS might be an atrocious movie, but give me Bridget styled as she looks in that one, not SINGLE WHITE FEMALE. The movie that elevated her for me personally was that lowly one that all film critics take a p*** on.

Once again, just as it was with LEATHER JACKETS, Bridget takes what little material she has at her disposal, and weaves it elegantly, making the absolute most of it. She possesses a natural grace and charm that shines through in all her work (though I must confess that I've only seen her earlier movies, and then also JACKIE BROWN). The lady is classic, truer words I cannot speak. That close- up tear-filled red-eyed scene is THE Bridget Fonda moment, congratulations to both her and the director. Later on there is that closeup of her lovely face as she receives cunnilingus from her real-life boyfriend, and also, that scene beloved by Quentin Tarantino (and myself!) where she joyously, gloriously, cutely replies "good" with a musical lilt to his statement that he wants to be inside her. Not forgetting that other great shot towards the end of her performance, another closeup scene, in the bathroom. That little, little exasperated sound, that slight twitch of the nose... Bridget was what celebrity appeal was about during the 90s.

Bridget fans, do rent LEATHER JACKETS and BODIES, REST & MOTION. For nothing else but for the sake of just sitting back and feasting your eyes on the Hollywood Princess, and going "Wow, man! She is like really, really pretty!" (sigh, heartfelt long, drawn-out sigh)

Special mention to Alicia Witt as Elizabeth, the wistfully pretty redhead kid who has a seminal, though short- lived part in the movie.

Okay, boys, the little joke's over now. Where did you hide the last roll of film? So, this is an indie movie, no happy ending as studio execs would have prescribed. Still, you leave it at that point? Come on, in the spirit of the title, get off your butt!

If you are watching this on a stay-at-home night on cable, you are most likely in for a boring evening. But if you are a Bridget Fonda fan, or just of pretty actresses in general, in for a treat. Deep, soulful movie? There are hundreds better. But they don't have Bridget in them.
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