Review of Awaken

Awaken (2015)
What were they thinking?
25 September 2015
I often wonder what motivates someone to make a movie that is this awful. It can't be money because I can't, in my wildest dreams, envision this straight to video travesty earning enough to even pay the extras salaries let alone the former A-list actors turned C-list losers. Everything about this waste of film is bad. The camera work looks likes it was done by a tweaker with ADHD, he skips from face to face with no rhyme or reason. The fight choreography was obviously done by someone who has never been in an actual fight. And the acting, if you can call it that, is only surpassed in its hideousness by the direction, which reminds me of something from one of those 60's biker exploitation movies. Hannah and Furlong should quit while they are behind. I mean, I still had somewhat fond memories of previous films they played in, like Splash and Detroit Rock City, but those memories are forever tainted by the 90 minutes of stupidity that was Awaken. Pare and Davi have always been second rate actors and this movie confirmed that they have now joined the ranks of 3rd rate actors like Natalie Burn, who by the way, should be deported back to Ukraine before she attempts to act again. Vinnie Jones was the only reason I watched it as long as I did, but even he couldn't save Awaken from being the worst film of the new century.
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