Final Prayer (2013)
Creepy, Claustrophobic, Anxiety and heart palpitations
17 September 2015
A low budget British gem that delivers. Don't let the found- footage sub-genre put you off as this isn't your typical-shaky-cam film.

I love the way the friendship develops between the two leads. Deacon, the cynic is having doubts about his faith and spends half the film finding solace in the bottom of a wine bottle. Grey, the cheeky-geezerish bloke who you take an instant like to, though not a believer per se, Grey can't entirely discount the possibility of a more cosmic force guiding our lives in unseen ways. Together they uncover a sinister truth more horrifying than either of them could have imagined.

The film has ambition that transcends its meager budgetary constraints. There are some terrifically unsettling set-pieces

It uses gore sparingly, focusing more on claustrophobic chills and general edit room trickery to build up a picture of a world on the verge of ripping itself apart.

The ending will probably stay with you for some time. I still feel uneasy just thinking about it.

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