Scorpio One (1998)
Space junk
14 September 2015
SCORPIO ONE is another boring outer space-set movie from the late 1990s, when B-movie producers seemed obsessed with putting stuff into outer space whether it belongs there or not. This time around, we get martial arts hero Jeff Speakman who travels into space with part of a team to tackle some terrorists on a space station and help save the planet in the meantime.

The plot is as preposterous as it sounds, but unfortunately the scriptwriters decided to go for a slow-moving, talky script throughout and it's fair to say that not much happens here. Speakman gets a fight scene or two but for the most part this is a boring film that consists of boring actors reading boring dialogue. Suspense and drama flatline throughout, and a cameo from Robert Carradine is barely noticeable. The villain is played by NINE DEATHS OF THE NINJA's Brent Huff.
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