Tried to watch this, but...
25 August 2015
basically, it was unwatchable; 45 minutes into it I gave up; admittedly, I could tell after the first 10 minutes (i.e. after the prologue retelling of the original fairy tale) that I wasn't the target demographic or audience but that's no excuse (IMO) for the awful spectacle of ugly old women being gruesomely murdered by a handsome man & largely skin-tight leather-clad (which showcases her generally straddling - and ample - thighs) young woman clearly enjoying their 'job'; it felt to me like watching mediaeval Bonny & Clyde type psychos with serious granny issues…nor was there any excuse for such a poor plot-line and almost complete absence of wit in the script. I'm all in favour of updated 'takes' of traditional tales and spinning out alternative story lines on classics - but creatively; otherwise it's just a disservice to a tale which teaches children about self-empowerment in terrible circumstances (courtesy of the extensive work of Bruno Bettelheim, we have an understanding now of the importance of traditional fairy tales, even those which are traditionally gruesome…but FOR A REASON!) and when they have NO weaponry, with only their wits to defend them…what a travesty of THAT teaching, this is….the only 'redeeming' aspects are the contributions of the Art Department, otherwise the lowest review I've given any movie, ever, and to which I'll add a resounding UGH!!!
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