Epic Science Fiction and a Powerful Story of Survival
24 August 2015
An epic saga of survival when humanity is threatened by rampaging seas rising after a gigantic tectonic shift in the earth. Gifted director Peter Geiger has brought this to the screen with vision and magnificent style, utilizing breathtaking special effects and incorporating stunning imagery. Geiger's inspired camera pans a vast landscape of devastation and roiling oceans, with never-ending vistas of a planet virtually drowning. Scientists and technicians build a awe-inspiring ark on which to save the DNA of life on Earth and to rebuild civilization in the future. The suspense and terror are intense and at times the plight of these survivors is overwhelming. A superb cast supports this first-class production, with Monica Keena, always reliable in every role, a particular standout in this film. An intelligent script, incredible science fiction adventure elements, and a prophetic message for our time, this is a motion picture of fantastic grandeur.
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