Chris Tucker Live (2015 TV Special)
It is nothing to watch again but it works perfectly as a Netflix film.
14 August 2015
He has put himself in good roles through the years with films like the Rush Hour franchise, Fifth Element and more recently with Silver Linings Playbook but I believe that comedian Chris Tucker is really an underused actor. He is a guy who made a name for himself in the late 90's and who appears in Hollywood films every so often. I won't say his comedic style or humor is new because it's not. It has a Eddie Murphy vibe to it and is also like comedic talent Kevin Hart. Now in 2015 and when Chris Tucker feels like "old news", it's more than an odd feeling to see that Netflix has put out a live comedy film from him called Chris Tucker Live.

Produced by Tucker himself and directed by Phil Joanou, Chris Tucker gives us a pretty basic comedy show about the topics of life issues including parenting and dating, Michael Jackson and what's it's like having a religious mother in his childhood.

I have never been much to sit through a comedy show movie due to a lack of interest level and my attention span is not the best when I am only watching one guy alone. This TV-movie though never drags nor do we want it to end. With a running time of an hour and half, it is perfectly set up to not run long for it's audience. It is a film that makes you want to just have more of Chris Tucker.

To fully appreciate this comedy special, it really basically comes down to how much you like Chris Tucker. His jokes are simple but you find yourself laughing out loud. It is not really memorable in any way and really you wonder why this was put on Netflix or a TV-movie as it's labeled. Really though it's hard not to like Chris Tucker. He is a quality guy who seems like he comes from a good family. It's nice to listen to his inspirations and really he comes off a good role model.

Chris Tucker Live is basically a comedy special made for someone like me who hasn't seen most Chris Tucker films and now will want to visit them for the first time or for his die-hard fans. It is nothing to watch again but it works perfectly as a Netflix film.
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