Olympus (2015)
pretty sure someone made a lot of fake accounts to give this show bad reviews
6 August 2015
I mean, don't all those one star reviews seem a little repetitive? And seriously overstated, if you've like...watched 2 min of the show? It's an all right show. I'm binge watching right now. If you've got the slightest background knowledge of Greek mythology it's sort of cool to watch out for all the little shout outs to the old stories. I guess if all you've ever watched is reality TV and Hollywood summer big bang movies this will seem slow and the intrigue aspects of the show will definitely fly right over your head. Sure the hero is sort of innocent and out of his depth at first and he doesn't secks up the girl by the end of the first episode, and no, no slow motion walking away from an explosion...but there's a believable set of characters, a couple of guys you can root for, a couple of women you can respect, and more than a few moments of "oh ship!!, what just happened?!?" It's clever at times, generally solid. The effects are as good as necessary, they don't take away from anything and they don't overshadow anything. It's more of a political intrigue and character development sort of show, but in terms of that it moves at a good pace. After about 4 eps, all the power dynamics and alliances have shifted and you might be very surprised to find that some characters are still alive, and some aren't dead (not the same thing, I promise). Sorry, no brad pitt glistening in the Grecian (or troyan?) sun, just some quality story telling. Let's just say this is more for the Star Trek, rather than the Star Wars crowd. What can I say I'm absorbed. It's not the new firefly, but it's a bit better than merlin for me (tighter story, they seem to know where they are going, fewer extraneous characters etc)....maybe like around a ST:DS9 the second time I watch it level of enjoyment and obsession. I'm rating it 10/10 just to balance what I can only assume are some total azzwipe trolls, but my sincere rating is a 7/10. Watch it if are waiting for sherlock or doctor who or whatever your whiz bang series is to come back.
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