Food Matters (2008)
Look closer at the reviews
29 July 2015
Such a bimodal distribution in the reviews ... wonder why? Look at the content. Those who are for it, are totally for it, and in every case it is because they have personally experienced what Saul is talking about.

Those against it are totally against it, abusive in fact, have never .. . let me repeat: NEVER tried Saul's recommendations. Also, in general they are squaking out of being completely offended because their pride has been hurt by Saul's accusations. Can you say "biased"?

Especially with regard to vitamin therapies. For every peer review with original data (not trumped up "comprehensive reviews" which is a ploy to cherry pick data to fit your desired outcome) ... original data that shows no benefit from IVC you will find NONE that followed the recommended protocol that would achieve a minimum of millimolar concentrations of vitamin C in blood serum. In otherwords ... they're all underdosed.

For those properly dosed (usually requires a minimum of 10g/dose of intravenous vitamin C) EVERY study has found at a minimum significant quality of life improvements from energy, to pain management, to organ function, to attitude and wellness for most of the respondents. There are at least 4 dozen peer reviewed studies all with original data, that show such findings ... and that's quality of life ... if you want to actually kill cancer with vitamin C you need even more. At least 50g per dose.

Not increasing blood levels of vitamin C up into the millimolar range has been a very effective way to create a study that pretends to show that Vitamin C is ineffective at killing cancer. Also, the convenient neglect regarding quality of life improvement from vitamin C is also very devious by those more interested in saving the reputation of their medical comrades than in looking deeper into the data to see how horribly underdosed their "proof" is, or how all the test subjects were stage 4 metastatic chemo resistant patients in their coveted anti-vitamin C studies.

Meanwhile many oncologists, not all mind you, will push experimental oral chemo drugs costing $10,000 per month to buy someone an extra %15 longer survival, whereas PROPER-protocol (emphasis on "proper) IVC (intravenous vitamin C) in general extends life far further for 1/8th that cost plus imparts a ton of quality of life improvements while the oral chemo makes people feel like crap and want to die.

These are the facts. And FYI .. that crap about super high dose vitamin C causing cancer ... beyond laughable. All the actual tests prove the opposite: higher dose more selectively kills cancer (while strengthening the normal cellular matrix). Don't believe me? then Look up the following ID numbers here ( if you don't believe me:

QOL (quality of life): 24500406 22021693 PMC2693571 PMC4199254 PMC3691494 14606098; Prevent sepsis & organ failure: PMC3937164; Corrects cancer-caused scurvy: 15068981 19284416 15690864; Decreases Inflammation: PMC3751545 PMC3968960 PMC3480897; Strengthens Immunity: PMC3202620 PMC4015650 1590939 7772741 PMC3111558 18468413; Improves chemo-effectiveness: 21402145 19254759 10559547 10067654 15523102 17283738 17405678 PMC3260161 17367938 15514298 PMC3128375 PMC2363673 PMC3482496; Inhibits the spread of cancer: PMC2820478 15166494 PMC2562367; IVC achieves cancer-killing concentrations: 22332036 PMC1224653 PMC1885574 4430016 PMC2363673 18678913; Relatively extremely safe when done correctly: PMC2898816.

Find out for yourself. Just type each number above here:
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