Conspiracy in the US again
29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is typical conspiracy theory fayre and this time is centred around a multi-national corporation. So it's part of a common theme that abounds in TV and cinema and has the usual twists and turns that are to be expected. Has it got anything that separates it from the rest? Not really but the cast are very good with a storyline that, as many reviewers have mentioned, often beggars belief. The level of stupidity is quite astounding especially considering that the characters are supposed to be smart and worldly-wise. People who are supposed to be suspicious of anyone they don't know believe strangers even after they are discovered to be liars. Friends who prove to be untrustworthy are given secret information over, and over, and over, .. again.

Even after all this it's still a decent, if not outstanding, series which I have continued to watch largely because of the cast as opposed to the script. It's hard to ignore the stupidity but the cast do a very good job of putting across an unbelievable story. Sometimes a great cast can raise a mediocre script into something that's worth watching.
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