Plodding and repetitive
26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You can see what this movie is trying to say....in fact, you can see it all too well, as it keeps beating you over the head with its two central ideas: Michel Serrault has lost his daughter and sees Isabelle Adjani as a potential replacement, to the degree that he is willing to overlook her murderous tendencies, while Adjani has developed these murderous tendencies because she has also lost her father at a young age. This story could have been told in a 30-minute short; in 115 (or 95, depending on which version you watch) minutes it is plodding and repetitive (she kills, he follows her, she kills, he follows her, she kills....), not to mention unbelievable. Serrault gives a good performance, however he spends about 80% of the movie mumbling to himself and has little interaction with other people, which makes his character tedious not before long. To fair, there ARE a couple of memorable scenes: Adjani's cold-blooded razor slashing of another woman is one, the car stunt at the end is another. ** out of 4.
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