Family Guy: E. Peterbus Unum (2000)
Season 2, Episode 18
The One With Petoria...
23 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. I absolutely love it. It's one of my all-time favorite episodes, and is probably in my top 3 episodes from this season. It's just so funny.

In this episode, Peter tries to get permission from the city council to build a pool, but he discovers that his property isn't on the town map, meaning he isn't a part of the town, and isn't a part of the United States. So, thinking this would be a great opportunity, Peter creates his own country, Petoria, and starts taking things in the name of his country, for example, Joe's pool. But then Peter gets into a fight with the U.S. government, and things go downhill from there.

Fun Fact: When Mayor West is showing Peter the map, you can see that one of the streets is called McFar Lane, which is a reference to the show's creator, Seth MacFarlane.

Best part of the episode: When Peter takes Joe's pool

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Freaking Ridonkulous.
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