Review of Stung

Stung (I) (2015)
Comedy Horror
20 July 2015
You have to watch the fist half hour to get into this movie. It's setting things up. I was bored and was going to switch it off after 20 minutes but stayed on. It worth watching...The acting is average and the relationships are pretty poor but maybe that's part of the quirky making of this film - not sure? The most peculiar thing is the the main character continues to run around in this movie as if he is unstable on his feet and always looks like he's going to fall over. It begins at the start falling over chairs? What the hell is this about? It looks extremely deliberate - maybe its part of the stupid comedy aspect? If you like horror with some quirky comedy then get on board. The best line is when the mother mutates and three people say in sequence "holy....mother...fucker!!" that was pretty funny.
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