Finally, the Vampire Comedy We've Been Waiting For!
17 July 2015
Dr. Sigmund Freud (Karl Fischer) has many interesting patients, but perhaps none are so enthralling as Count Geza von Kozsnom (Tobias Moretti), who has become tired of life and full of angst. His wife, the Countess (Jeanette Hain) is vain and blood- thirsty, and his home is empty and gloomy. Freud is also spending time with artist Viktor (Dominic Oley), who is painting the dream images of Freud's patients, to the disgust of his girlfriend Lucy (Cornelia Ivancan). When the Count complains that his wife is nagging him to describe how she looks because she cannot see herself, Freud suggests that she employ Viktor to obtain a portrait of herself. It seems like a good idea at first, but then the Count sees Lucy, who it turns out is the spitting image of the long-lost love of his life.... This is a really funny gem of a film, full of witty word-play (the Count complains that he has no talent for "self-reflection," for example) and hilarious sight-gags. Director David Ruhm uses the supernatural traits of vampires with an almost off-hand ease, and perhaps invents some of his own (I never knew vampires had a counting compulsion!), and it's clear from the performances that the actors were having a wonderful time playing up and against the old vampire tropes. Terrific fun all around!
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