People Hate This Film...I Didn't
16 July 2015
I have not read the books, and I won't. I have heard nothing positive about them, and I don't do much reading anyway. I always knew though a film adaptation of this book would end up being a box office juggernaut and I was right. One of the highest grossing films of 2015, Fifty Shades Of Grey was commercially successful but was a critical flop both with audiences and critics. I had to check it out, see what the fuss and critical panning was all about. Here goes…..

Very well shot, regularly amusing, superbly lit, a top notch soundtrack, well acted and with just enough flirtatious chemistry and banter, Fifty Shades Of Grey took me by surprise. I ignored all the negative buzz and reviews, blocked people out of my head and just sat back and watched it. My main criticism is aimed at the sex. Whilst there's enough of it, it never gets to hot and steamy levels. Those scenes barely register an 18 rating, I think that rating goes towards the inappropriate spanking and hard whipping scenes which must've been awkward to film. The film didn't need to be 120 minutes plus, most scenes are just snogging and a story this thin cannot sustain such an inflated length. What also annoyed me is the fact that one of my favourite singers, Rita Ora, who I have the hots for, was barely in this, she had one line and like 10 seconds of screen time, if that.

With that negatives out the way, I thought Dakota Johnson was excellent. This is her most ballsiest, raw and brave performances, taking on a role that could potentially be career poison turned out to be something unforgettable and vulnerable. I liked Jamie Dornan, playing it straight with deadpan delivery and seriousness, I didn't find any campy aspects and I thought he too was taking on a role many wouldn't dare. I think that there's more desire and cravings than there is chemistry between these two, and I appreciated that difference. Although the scene where Ana discusses the contract at a "business meeting" with Christian showed chemistry and some sly humour. Supporting performances were fine, but there's no meat there. Actresses like Jennifer Ehle and Marcia Gay Harden were pretty much wasted, considering their talents it's a criminal waste, as with Max Martini.

If there is going to be a sequel, it needs to be more explicit and sexy, to earn that 18 rating. The story needs more meat, stray away from the books and make for an interesting side plots and twists then maybe the film could earn some brownie points. One of the best things about this film is Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do". That says a lot when a song is one of the highlights.
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