More Adamson Craziness
14 July 2015
Dynamite Brothers (1974)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

A Chinese man (Alan Tang) sneaks into America to locate his missing brother and ends up meeting a black man (Timothy Brown) who decides to help him. The two head to Los Angeles where they run into various drug dealers as well as a crooked cop (Aldo Ray) who is in with them.

You know, I love watching bad movies and there's really no one worse than Al Adamson. With that said, I really do love Adamson as a filmmaker because no matter how awful his movies are you can at least spot them from a mile away. As with most of the director's films, this one here is pretty darn bad in regards to quality but at the same time you can't help but be mildly entertained just because of how much craziness one person can pack into a single movie.

Adamson was certainly the type of director that would just throw everything on the screen and hope that it would work in the end. By doing this, movies such as this one are technically very poorly made and the storyline itself makes very little to no sense. However, you've got crazy stuff happening throughout the picture from car chases to bar fights to one of the dumbest scenes ever using a snake as a deadly weapon. The bad guys are downright silly to say the least and you're certainly never threatened by them.

Then there's the cast. Brown is okay in his part of the duo but Tang is pretty boring and never brings any energy to the picture. Carol Speed, best remembered for her role in ABBY, is good as a deaf woman and Don Oliver is rather memorable as a character known as The Smiling Man. Ray, a good actor in his own right, is clearly just picking up a paycheck here as there are a few times where it's obvious he forgot his lines and is looking off screen for some help. We also have James Hong in a small role.

DYNAMITE BROTHERS mixes elements of THE DEFIANT ONES with every other blaxploitation and martial arts film from this period. Heck, Ray even gets a brief scene in a mirror that appears to be mimicking the Marlon Brando "contender" speech from ON THE WATERFRONT. Still, this Adamson picture is very poorly made and gets boring after a while but as you can see, there's still a lot of crazy stuff going on.
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