Review of Child 44

Child 44 (2015)
From Russia with Crime
8 July 2015
Not sure how accurate some of the things are (this is based on a novel which is based on real events) we get to see in this movie. But you could believe that some of the things would have been possible to happen. It's no wonder that Russia was not really happy about the book of course (not the best depiction of authority or anything else going on there). Haven't looked up how the movie was received, but I can't imagine they welcomed it with open arms.

Tom Hardy is as straight an arrow as you can get in this one, but he gets major support by Noomi and Gary to name but two. The incidents occurring that the movie is about apart from the human side of it, are despicable, not that anyone was actually confirming them. It's a tough watch especially because of its pacing, but it's solid and suspenseful from beginning to end
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