Solid Noir
4 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers

I was not sure how this one would work for me. It has a reputation as a hard case example of film noir. I had also read that some found it somewhat over-rated. So I took the plunge and what I found, was a surprisingly effective lower budget winner.

Laurence Tierney headlines as a killer on the loose. This one starts off in San Diego, where Tierney has just robbed a man making a drop off at a bank night deposit chute. Tierney was not above shooting the man when he was less than forthcoming with the cash.

He soon hitches a ride going to L.A. from a salesman heading home after an office party. The man, Ted North has had a few too many and could use the company. They stop at a gas station to fuel up. North wants to call his wife, Marian Carr. Tierney now offers a ride to two dames, Nan Leslie and Betty Crawford.

The viewer knows that this arrangement is going nowhere good, and right they are. The man Tierney robbed and shot, has died and an all points is sent out. The gas jockey at the filling station, Glen Vernon, hears a report over the radio and calls the Police. He soon identifies Tierney.

Now the chase is on with a wild car chase and a motorcycle cop gets a rather close view of a rear car bumper. Tierney, North and the two girls end up hiding out at a small seaside cottage of a friend of North.

The minor plot holes here are nicely covered up by the rapid pacing delivered from writer, director Felix Feist. Tierney is a hoot to watch as he goes from one level of nastiness to the next. Ted North is slightly out of place, but Betty Crawford and Nan Leslie are both excellent.

All in all, a 62 minute thrill ride that does not fail to entertain.
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