Review of Pompidou

Pompidou (2015)
The emperor has no clothes !!
23 June 2015
Yikes !! If ever an example were needed of how nepotism is the scourge of creativity then this pile of manure must surely be it. Is there nobody at the BBC with at least some pride when filtering out commission proposals? Surely it takes more than just a well known face and some of his writer chums before the BBC green light an idea. The people behind this drivel kept touting it as "innovative" and "ground breaking" so perhaps the men in suits were a little scared to tell the emperor and his cronies that he doesn't have any clothes. Claiming that this garbage is in any way posited in the same genre as Stan and Ollie or Charlie Chaplin is like the winner of an egg and spoon race claiming they're in the same league as an Olympic athlete. The BBC have quietly let this disaster slip into derided obscurity and no doubt the same mob have moved onto other license payer funded projects. Time the gravy train that's the BBC put a few of the old boy network out to pasture. They must be knackered constantly patting themselves on the back.
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