Star Academy (tv)
13 June 2015
Indeed, there is one genre in which American movies usually fail and french one are rather inspired : comedy ! And for my country, Zidi was among the best for that : he had really the talent to pick classic positive characters and put them borderline, so the fun ! Before policemen taking bribes, here he plays with cheating students ! It's light, natural not spoofs or too intellectual so you laugh really hard and have great fun ! The appeal of this movie is his great casting as well : today movies are brand-names, who's who of too much paid people but then, movies were open to unknown newcomers : they were fresh, full of energy and if some has built a career so far, it's has been a one-shot for the others… At last, this movie is also interesting because it happens in a France that has disappeared : if those students are lazy, they show some political ideas, they dress well. Today, students have nothing in their heads, guys dress with sport-ware all day and girls wear less to show more ! Actually, it's maybe the first time I watched this movie : when it was aired on TV, i was a kid so in a period which means no TV at night except Tuesday and Saturday, so i heard about it in school playground with my friends talking about it ! I'm on board for their summer sequel next week !
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