Dinosaucers (1987)
Good Stomping Fun
10 June 2015
As a kid sci-fi was always my thing and I was also into Dinosaurs, both of these elements always captured my imagination. Combining both of these things together make it even broader. This is another under the radar gem and another childhood relic of mine.

I'll admit the idea is really daft and yet cool at the same time, Dinosaurs in Space. I really like the idea and it's part of why I love the animation genre because of the freedom to utilize colorful and creative ideas. You could say it's a bit like "Transformers" since both plot lines are uncannily similar since it's about alien beings come to earth to use it to save their home planet or conquer, only here instead of robots it's dinosaurs, which makes it unique.

I really like both the Dinosaucers and Tyranos, both factions consist of a diverse cast of dinos, each with different persona's and abilities. One cool ability of there's is to change into their ancestral counterparts whom are the giant sized dinos we know and love, which is cool only disappointment is they never used it often enough in the show.

My favorite character is Gengis Rex whom I think is an underrated animated villain. His character is both cool and hilarious at the same time, from how over the top he is in his aggressive attitude toward everyone. How much of a hard time he gives his flunkie right hand man Enkilo much as Megatron rags down on Starscream in "Transformers". The best think about him is how much he is just constantly scheming to both take out the Dinosaucers and to conquer Earth, from trying to steel technology and resources to typical getting rich quick schemes.

Even the human characters the secret scouts are solid/decent. One good thing about them is that they all are actually useful, which was something Transformers G1 lacked in their human characters so this is a plus. We see the secret scouts have those rings of power which enhance their physical abilities, to simply acting as mentor figures for the dinos.

Which makes sense because the dinos are aliens, they don't know about our culture and customs. In a way this also makes the show sort of an alien visitation comedy which is cool and correlates with the popularity of the TV show "Alf" for it's time. It's just always fun and funny seeing each of the dinos trying to orient themselves with the kind of things we take for granted, even like a bit of the verbal humor which is actually kinda clever.

There are some good and fun episodes. I really like the ones where each faction is learning about Earth sports. Two of my favorite for it are the Baseball and Football episode which were a lot of fun, cmon your seeing Dinosaurs play sports not something you see everyday. And one favorite of my is "Sabertooth and Consequences" where both the Dinosaucers and Tyranos have to team up to stop Space Pirates from pillaging the Earth, it's always cool and fun seeing both good guys and bad guys team up, it's a good message in putting aside differences to stop a common threat and also seems like both factions could've been friends if only they weren't on other sides of the fence.

The only real problem with the show is the Dinosaucers and Tyranos don't really get to kick enough ass with each other. Let alone the Dinosaucers don't really get to deal with any life threatening crisis and Tyranos don't get to do enough damage. This is a mild disappoint to me because I was expecting more action, the dinos to use their vehicles, technology, weapons and abilities against one another. But due to the fun comedy and characters carrying out the show, I can't complain too much.

This is another show I wouldn't mind a revival to, it could take a more serious and dark direction, where we would actually see both faction engage in combat more let alone use some vehicles. Have a little more depth into the dinosaurs, from what's going on in their home planet and make them the ancient astronauts whom have visited earth before. Include some of the newly discovered dinos in the roster of both factions or have genetic engineered dino. I don't know, all the same the thought of a revival should be considered.

Dinosaucers is good stomping fun, like any dinosaur is worth seeing.

Rating: 3 stars
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