Doris still a good dancer.
27 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I called Doris a good dancer in Tea for Two, 1950, one year before this movie Lullaby of Broadway. Doris had a car accident in 1937, which strongly curtailed her dancing future. In this movie, again, her tap steps are somewhat slower than those of Gene Nelson, but I have never heard that Gene's legs had earlier been injured. Doris wasn't just a great singer; she could dance. She must have done a lot of work to even dance for these musical movies, which I must admit I probably like better than her later movies with Rock Hudson, et al. I even liked Doris in her Calamity Jane movie, in which she leaps, bounds and jumps all over the place. That is certainly athletic.

I loved Doris' gold gown in this movie; the billowing skirt was the best, but the neck straps I did not care for. Her daytime costuming was demure and ladylike as befitted the day, with high blouse necklines along with strands of white pearls.

Gene Nelson was an awesome dancer. His leaps onto the piano and over the head of the pianist were dazzling, but it's too bad he didn't learn from the Nicholas Brothers School of Leaps and Bounds. He was still a great dancer, however, and I just loved his dancing in his 1955 Oklahoma movie.

SZ Sakall and Florence Bates are always great scene stealers. They weren't children or animals, against whom other actors traditionally hate to play, but they always are unforgettable. SZ and Florence are always great at playing 'thorns in the side'. I remember Florence as Madame Dilyovska in On the Town.

De Wolfe is his usual ditsy insane self, a comic with perfect timing and verbal inflection. Anne Triola is great as his sidekick, but I detected a lot of second class citizenship where her character was concerned. She was always saying she was not as good as that all superior Lefty played by De Wolfe.

You can tell that I studied Women's Studies at university. Movies today should not be putting women's characters down as second class and inferior to men.

Lefty was such a loser, however, that he had to act as a starving butler to the local brewer. The brewer couldn't even afford to feed Lefty. Lefty should have spent his time going on auditions to try and get back into show business, or was Lefty ever really, truly in show business? Perhaps he used to sing in a crummy dive in the worst sections of the city? Putting on airs, eh, Mr. Lefty?????

I love dance movies. This is not 42nd Street. This is not The Red Shoes. It is a classic to me, however. I like to see Doris Day dance with Gene Nelson. I like to see SZ Sakall over and over again in several different movies. I still like the Nicholas Brothers, whom due to period racism I feel were not put in as many dance movies as I would have liked.

I am a theatrical historian and movie reviewer. I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in American History, with close to a minor in fine arts and performing arts of theatre, dance and voice, plus theatrical censorship and critiquing studies.

All in all, I rate this movie as Excellent: 10/10
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