Hyacinth Bucket Steals the Acting Honours!
23 May 2015
Some actors & actresses play a part which is so indelibly fixed in the public mind because their own personality is so similarly shaped like the part they assume that sometimes they receive acting awards for authenticity.Such is the case with Patricia Routledge who played Hyacinth Bucket in the 1990s sit-com "Keeping up Appearances".In the 1971 TV series of Sense & Sensibility Hyacinth (Patricia) looked 25 years younger than her most famous part when she played Mrs Jennings who takes a surrogate mother type role to the two Dashwood sisters Marianne & Elinor.

The innate characteristics of actors can never be entirely counterfeited despite the passage of years.Each of us carries a unique blueprint of our personality with us for life.So it was that I immediately spotted Joanna David as Elinor from when 24 years later she would play Mrs Gardiner in the highly acclaimed TV mini series of Pride & Prejudice.I suspect also Robin Ellis earned his laurels playing Edward Ferris for his most famous role of Poldark.

I also noticed the director, Denis Constanduros also directed another TV Jane Austen classic of "Persuasion" in the early 1970s which I can recommend and which I saw on YouTube earlier.I preferred Kate Winslet's Marianne (1995) to that of Ciara Maddern (1971), & Charity Wakefield (2008) probably because her character concentrated more on her musical ability, a time in history of romantic poets and musicians & composers which I love.I awarded this 1971 version 8/10 as it was well produced and acted and not studio bound but had some interesting location shots.
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