Large Disappointment
17 May 2015
Madoka Magica was, and still is, one of my favorite Anime series. The show had amazing animation, great soundtracks, action, emotion, and a great amount of character development.

Knowing the first two movies were a review of the show, I was intrigued to see what the third movie would have to offer, given the ending from the original series/duo-logy was one of the most powerful of any show I had ever seen.

This movie in my opinion was a huge letdown. The beginning had many aspects I enjoyed from the original series, but as the movie progressed I could sense it struggling to keep the balance of its characters, and flowing as the first two movies did. The movie seemed choppy and I struggled to connect in the same way as I did with the original series.

If you are content with giving up on the touching experience from the first two movies, feel free to ride a less emotional, confusing, and character altering experience. This movie lacked many of the qualities that kept me watching the original series, and overall left a sour taste in my mouth. Besides a scene here and there, I contemplated turning it of numerous times.

As a huge fan, the artwork is still wonderful, the music is great, and the action scenes are thrilling. however, if the emotional ride, the characters, and the story are what compelled you to watch Madoka Magica, I highly recommend you stick to the series, as you will be disappointed with this movie.
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