Trail Mix-Up (1993)
Last in Roger's Trilogy
18 April 2015
WITH THIS THE third ROGER RABBIT short subject, there is both a familiarity and new ground covered. Whereas the setting had changed from an urban landscape to the great outdoors, the situational storytelling and gags were by now routine.

OUR STORY OPENS with some great sweeping, panoramic shots of what looks like a combination of the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone Park. The depth of the shots is reminiscent of those earlier Disney animated films that made use of the Multi-Plane Camera; which rendered a near 3 Dimensional appearance. The flora and fauna portrayed are colorful, lively and definitely non-anthropomorphic.

WE FIND THAT the unseen (except for lower legs)Mother, Baby Herman and Roger Rabbit are arriving at the "Yellowstain" National Park on a vacation camping trip. As is the usual plot device, Mother has to go somewhere and leaves Herman in Roger's charge. Baby innocently follows various birds, animals and insects; leading him into the old saw mill.

WITH THE GRAND finale, we have our guys shot through the air and colliding with the carved side of the Mount Rushmore memorial. The faces of Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt react in typical cartoon style; making them perhaps the first anthropomorphic rocks in cartoon history.

AS HAD BECOME the custom, TRAIL MIX UP boasts of cameo appearances by both Jessica Rabbit (Mrs. Roger) and MGM Cartoon star, Droopy; whose scenes in the ROGER RABBIT Feature were so well received.

ALTHOUGH WE ARE somewhat critical of the repetitive and monotonous application of the same situational gag lead-ins, the overall effect of these new ROGER RABBIT Cartoons was very pleasing. It is a shame that the project didn't continue or be revived; as that could well lead to an all out revival of the theatrical cartoons being produced anew.
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