Another waste of celluloid and money
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another flick I checked out for free from my local library. I don't know why I expected it to live up to anything good because it did not. The idea is that these guys are having their 20th high school reunion which would make them almost 40. Of course none of them approaches anything close to maturity that one would associate with that age. So in that sense it is all very Seinfeld-ish/Friends - you know - kids who never really grow up. The lead is rather boring and has no charisma whatsoever. There is a token black guy in the posse too, apparently the only black person in the entire city as well.

What really struck me about these '90s guys' was the amount of homosexual references in the film, but in the "modern" sense that such a thing (homosexuality) is really rather cool even though all the players have women. In the past, boys would taunt one another with this subject in a negative way but lately, as with this film and "This is the End" with Rogan and Franco, it is treated as if it is something all guys really get into and have no problem expressing to one another, albeit as a kind of joke. There is even a rather long shot of one character's penis, for no good reason and this same character is seen naked more than once in a homo-erotic way although he is married too.

As another reviewer stated, I too turned this movie off before it's conclusion so I really do not know or care how it ends. In the end, these men just come off like so much of the current ethos which is part apathy, part shallowness, part simply playing at being adult. I half expected their parents to call them home to supper. Oh, and the idea of the old high school principle treating these 40-year-olds like 16-year-olds is really very Welcome Back Kotter without any of the laughs. And why would the lead character give away such a sweet Mustang to another guy as a wedding present? You'd think he would have driven it to Hollywood.

The only character I really liked was the loser guy who ends up with the slutty ex-cheerleader. I am told most movies aimed at kids (particularly young boys) are like this. Too bad.
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