Gay Porn Film Turned PG-Rated Horror Comedy
27 February 2015
While being one of the worst films ever made, it has the distinction of probably being the only gay porn film to be edited into a PG-rated horror comedy.

This film was first released in 1969 as "Does Count Dracula Really Suck?" and as "Dracula and the Boys." The XXX rated film follows a gay Count Dracula (aka "Count Adrian") around as he prances and frolics with fellow vampires and hangers-on, then has graphic sex with them. This hardcore cut played the gay grindhouse circuit in New York, LA and San Francisco. The movie also played under the titles "Lustful Dracula", "Dracula: Sexual Vampire," and "Orgy of the Vampire" among others.

Then the producers hit upon a fine idea to make more money- cut out all the sex and release it under its original title! Re-released in 1971 as "Guess What Happened to Count Dracula?", the film left many people wondering exactly that. Aside from taking place in modern times with an over-acting camp style Count, what was the life-changing (death-changing?) "happening" that the film's title alluded to? The mystery remained unresolved until Something Weird found an uncut print of the original hardcore version in the 1980's. Dracula was acting effeminate and quirky because... he was a quirky, effeminate gay vampire! Ahh... it all makes sense now.

The movie even made it onto the cover of "Famous Monsters" in the June '71 issue. This was where I first heard of it and I then happened to see it one night on a UHF broadcast in the late '80s. I thought that it was one of the worst movies I'd ever seen, and though I haven't rewatched it since, I still remember how stupid it was. It made quite an impression on me.

The movie is available on a double-feature DVD from Something Weird Video where it is paired with another X-rated Dracula title that was later cut down into a GP rating, "Dracula The Dirty Old Man."
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