Batman: Batman Stands Pat (1966)
Season 1, Episode 14
Our Hat's Off To ...........................
19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
STRONGLY FOLLOWING AND closing the story, this installment offers us some more originality.

AFTER THE CLIFFHANGER closing in the previous half-hour, THE THIRTEENTH HAT, we find Batman engulfed in quick drying plaster. When he is literally chiseled free, he explains his survival as being due to holding his breath.

THE USE OF Alfred the Butler in an undercover role in prosecuting the investigation and pursuit of the Mad Hatter & Gang. This is the first instance of exploiting Alan Napier's considerable talents beyond his duties in 'Stately Wayne Manor.'

IN MUCH THE same manner as those other early first season entries in the BATMAN Series, this story could stand on its own as a crime drama, without the element of "Camp Humor" that permeated the series.

WE WOULD ALSO wish to make note of some other names present in the cast. Miss Diane McBain is present in featured role of the gang's female member. Then there is Norma Vardon as a socialite patron in the hat boutique. Miss Vardon is a veteran of the cast of CASABLANCA (Warner Brothers, 1942), which is considered the number 2 all time American film behind CITIZEN KANE (RKO, 1942).
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