Review of John Wick

John Wick (2014)
20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Keanu Reeves has had problems being believable in most of the roles he has had throughout his career. I don't think he is a bad actor, but his acting coach must surely have been the most incompetent in Hollywood history. He plays exactly the same character in a tender love story, as he plays in an 'action' thriller.

Now he does this. An 'action' thriller designed purely for 14 year old boys with pictures of cars on their bedroom walls. It plays out with the stock grunty voices (because tough men have no tonsils)... and the villains are Russian... with Russian accents only found in Los Angeles.

Then they kill the cute puppy. Keanu gets so miffed that he opens up his secret basement full of big guns and even bigger bullets. At this point... I gave up. I don't mind mindless fun, but I do object if I have to be the mindless participant.

Keanu... do The Lake House Part 2... That was a half decent film. This... is juvenile garbage that juveniles don't deserve.

Staggeringly formulaic, dismally predictable... and hilariously bad.
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