It Was Him or Us (1995 TV Movie)
hypothetical forking paths
16 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The leading role is a Rourke impersonation, complete with the earrings and the tattoos, but I like his mistress' mother, and it would have been nice if the mother had a relation with the boy who watered the plants in the greenhouse, or, at least, if the movie turned into a slasher, instead of trite gun-pointing, the father was annoying, the movie needed pace and a B movie style, and of course more interesting actors, or a director who knew how to make the existing cast seem interesting, but we can think about the line of abusive characters, from Garfield, Brando and Harris on …, we can think about that, instead of what could this movie have been, as it had at least three ways to go (the spousal violence, the B movie sleaze, the slasher …). Very mediocre script.
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