Exploitation plus.
4 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
More than textbook exploitation, with plenty of intelligent twists and details to keep the viewer alert. Nót shying away from lots of violence, but (for instance) when it comes to the obligatory rape scene, the viewer must use more imagination than with other, similar movies, but in this treatment lies a nice twist of the top cop condoning vigilante justice. The acting is good enough, though not great, even if William Sanderson comes awfully close, portraying a seriously damaged white man who hides his fragile state by laying the racism, degradations and violence thick on anyone who gets in the way. The rest of the cast do their jobs adequately, but that's pretty much it.

The ending, though it has the smart idea of exposing the fragile state of Jessie, felt rather off-handed. Even if exploitation films are all about the revenge, somehow this one didn't feel completely right. The best way I can explain this feeling is that the reverend's demeanor changes way too fast. It's sort of disappointing to see him lower himself to the baddies' standards, even if every blow he deals out is a just one - or am I getting too old for this shiii-it...? Nah. Other than that it is a pretty good exploitation flick, with a lot of violence (including the necessary gore and a little nudity) and some pretty smart writing here and there.

A good 7 out of 10 for now, perhaps more in the future.
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