Highly dramatized but still has some useful information
31 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So, basically this film features Nora, a self-absorbed, needy housewife who ends up being influenced by a con artist psychiatrist, Dr. Allen. He gets her to join his cult of followers and while she's forking over her cash to him and risking her job, her family is doing everything they can to win her trust back.

Cult Rescue is really exaggerated; I'm not saying that this type of thing can't happen but usually it takes many more factors than just depression and trust to form a cult. The man in this movie might have been easy to fall for, but one man can't do all this. Usually to start a cult, one person gets a group of friends to help, it's never just one person. Sure, there can be a leader, but even the leader always has help, right-hand men or women to help make things go more according to plan.

Cult Rescue does offer some good information on cults, though. It also has a good cast of actors and good soundtrack. I also recommend watching Helter Skelter (1976) along with this movie if you're into cult-related films.
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