Teddy Bear (2012)
A very healthy man in a very unhealthy situation!?!?
30 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Where along the way did so many parents around the world forget that chickadees grow up and must stretch their wings and leave the nest?"

*NOTE - If you're here to read reviews before seeing this movie...if at all possible, watch the 'short' simply titled "Dennis" BEFORE watching this - they're directly connected.

I was channel-surfing and came upon the 'short' "Dennis" on "The Film Fest" channel and decided to watch...and, it was as good as it was disturbing. Then, I also found "Teddy Bear" on the 'same' channel - even better, but, no less disturbing.

This is a very well-made movie and good story that hits very close to home for me, and...I'm sure, for most everyone else who's seen it. Over the years, I've actually had friends, and, girlfriends, who, if not for a bossy and dominating parent, or parents, would have been quite happier and more successful in their social and professional lives; not to mention, their own 'parental' lives.

"Teddy Bear" is about this same kind of typical clingy, lonely, and, selfish mom who just cannot let go of her very-adult son; and, the brainwashed adult son who's never left mommy's home and has been raised to believe that his 'mom' is, and, always will be, the focal point of his life and the only woman who will ever love him!?!? The entire concept of this is abnormal and disgusting, but, it happens all over the world, every day...usually, but, not limited to, moms and their 'momma's-boy' sons.

Right away, you can tell that 'Dennis,' the protagonist, is a very good, honest, gentle, and, respectful man who has a bright future both socially and professionally; but, he's also a 38-year-old, socially-odd prisoner in this own limited world that is run by his mom who's 'trained' him since conception that 'mommy knows best' and 'mommy is best.' She also tells Dennis that "Men can't be trusted," but, oddly, she keeps Dennis, a man, at home with her!?!? Seems to me that 'mom' would be doing the 'female-world' a big favor by releasing her son unto them as he obviously 'can' be trusted to be good to a woman since 'she's' kept him around her all of his life!?!? No! She's clingy, lonely, and, selfish!

Dennis' mom always wants to know where Dennis is; whom he's with; whom he was with; what he's doing; what he's been doing; etc. (I couldn't stand my mom asking me these questions when I was 10!). My parents cut me loose when I was 18; but, I've had friendships and relationships ruined because of parents just like the mom depicted in this movie, and,...it's pathetic! I couldn't believe that these adult-friends of mine actually listened to their parents when orders were barked at them as if we were all kids again!?!? It's a sickening situation somewhere in between 'Bobby Boucher' in "The Waterboy" and 'Norman Bates' in "Psycho."

Even before it ever happened, I could read Dennis' mom like a Greek tragedy, as I've been there before! I knew it was coming, but, before he even mentioned the word 'girlfriend' to his mom, I knew she'd become all 'woe is me;' and, 'what about me;' and, 'how could you do this to me;' and, 'ME, ME, ME!' Never "DENNIS"...only "ME!" This movie is an exact blueprint for how parents shouldn't be towards their adult sons and daughters; and, at the same time, a reverse-barometer of how adult sons and daughters shouldn't react to their parents and their interference...show a mind of your own and some backbone!

I can't remember where, but, I'm certain that I once read something along the lines of "When you get married, you divorce your parents."

Parents, the world over, should wise-up to this concept; and, adult-children who still feel the need to remain fledglings should do the same and 'grow up!' This kind of 'parental domination' can not only prevent relationships and marriage, but, it can cause divorce! This kind of domineering parent will also breed contempt in a child; as well as get the child to lie to the parent when they want something, or, want to do something, that they know the parent will object to...which is anything and everything that doesn't include the parent.

Dennis is a great guy, but, he's been conditioned all his life to be a life-long servant by and to a mom who married a man who was an alcoholic (probably because she pulled these same stunts and guilt-trips with hubby and it drove him to drinking!?!?).

Dennis' mom is a 'ball-and-chain-pain-in-the-butt' who couldn't imprison her husband, so, she turned to her son for the same attention and subservience. Clinically speaking, Dennis' mom is a 'urogenital opening just anterior to the anus.' (I had to give this definition as vulgarity is forbidden on IMDb...but, you get the gist).

This is a very good movie that opens up a lot of eyes and minds; but, it also opens up a lot of old wounds and bad memories of friends who could'a, should'a, would'a been...if not for a parent like this!?!?.

BOTTOM LINE - If you have a good son/daughter like Dennis...don't be a bad mom like Ingrid! Let him/her go out and enrich the world! :)
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