Zombeavers (2014)
It's still a B-movie junk fest, but at least it's good for a few laughs.
26 January 2015
Expectation was low upon seeing Zombeavers for the first time. Straight from the poster, it brazenly displayed shoddy beaver monster and your ordinary bimbos trapped in a stupid situation. After watching it, I was right, although it's not necessarily that painfully bad. The movie mocks itself cynically, and most of the time this turns out to be pretty hilarious. With trashy production and poor acting, it plays what strength it has and accepts its cheesy nature.

A group of college students embarks on a weekend full of relaxation and indecent exposure in a remote cabin in the woods, only to find danger awaits them, in form of beavers, zombeavers. It's almost pulled from excerpt of 80's slasher movie, incredibly cringe worthy. It also blatantly uses stereotypical characters, from the slightly morally dubious girl to incredibly morally dubious girl. However, a couple of characters actually become interesting later on, as short of time as that may be, and even if the rest don't, take comfort in knowing that their dooms are quite pleasant.

There's barely any acting to speak of, plenty of annoying giggles and screams though. Dialogues are comically bad as well, as if they are deliberately made to resemble dumbest things college students might say. As for the gore, it's basically stuff animals with some gooey stuffing, barely passable to be called animatronic. Make-up is downright ridiculous, borderline the level of Halloween make-up of actual college kids.

Yet, despite all the horrendous production value, it's actually funny. The movie doesn't dabble or drag on its plot, in fact the length is relatively short. Rather than creating pretentious scare, or any artsy cinematography, which it has none, the movie goes on its way to make comedy out of the entire prospect. Surprisingly, this is more enjoyable than most cheap scare could be.

Zombeavers is undeniably bad, but for giving a few chuckles in time of its short stay, it deserves a pinch of merit.
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