Total anti-feminist, unscientific preach fest
20 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is horrifyingly one sided. Effeminate male and masculine female "experts" spouting moralistic viewpoints is not a documentary, it's propaganda. Here are a few of the problems I noticed in the first 30 minutes:

1) The shots that always accompany the diatribes of aforementioned "experts" are of women walking around Seattle dressed as a lot of ladies do when heading out to clubs. In other words, you are to assume that all scantily clad women are prostitutes. Oops, I mean prostituted women (more on that gem in a bit).

2) The movie treats sex slavery and prostitution as the same animal. This is a false premise. By removing this distinction, they remove the women from any and all culpability for their actions. This fallacy is a nice segue into the next problem.

3) The real root cause of the sex trade (according to this movie) is the men. The problem isn't girls getting hooked on drugs and then prostituting themselves to support their habit, girls running away from home and becoming homeless thus necessitating prostitution to supply that pesky eating habit, or a litany of other reasons women may choose to sell themselves for sex. Nope, the problem is that johns are terrible, horrible beasts incapable of curbing their instinct to reproduce.

4) Other than getting them to tell their extra juicy child abuse stories, the filmmakers have no regard for these women. In one very telling scene, the star of the movie, "director" Jason Pamer, Asks a john of he thinks the "prostituted woman" (who is off camera but obviously in close proximity) wants to be there. When the john responds that he doesn't know, SuperRighteousMan!!!!! (Jason Pamer) takes it upon himself to tell the john that she doesn't want to be there instead of asking the girl personally.

5) The sex workers in this movie are all referred to as "prostituted women" which goes right back to that "all women are victims" mentality that pervades the film.

The best possible way that this movie could have concluded would have been if Gloria Steinem had made a cameo in which she sold herself to the highest bidder just to show that women have the capability to make their own decisions.
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