15 January 2015
I can narrow down the two Simpsons episodes which I quote the most in daily life; A Star Is Burns and 22 Short Films about Springfield. Half of my favourite Simpsons' quotes come from these two episodes alone.

This episode has not only my all time favourite Simpsons' moment but also possibly my favourite moment in TV history; I am indeed talking about the greatness that is the Skinner and Superintendent skit. I can recall several instances in which myself and people I've known have recited this scene in its entirety from memory. As a kid I didn't get the humour of the scene, but can recall my parents and older brother laughing hysterically at it. Now that I'm older I constantly watch this scene over and over again. But do you know what's the funniest thing (well aside from the aforementioned scene) it's the little differences. Such as the episode's parody of Pulp Fiction's "Muthaf**ka" scene, with Chief Wiggum stating "Hey I know you!"; the complete opposite of what is said in the scene from Pulp Fiction. Like the greatest of Simpsons' gags it works on so many levels. Why did they never make another episode like this? I guess this one was as close to perfection as it gets that they could never top it.
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