Reclaim (2014)
Could things get any worse?
12 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
One word of warning for when you want to adopt a foreign-language speaking child from a far-away place: Make sure she (or he) can actually speak more than 4 words of that language before you accept that s/he is from the place & speaks the language you were told by the agency in question. If the child can't do so, you MIGHT want to question the facts you've been given. That said, this little girl is supposed to speak French. Although we hear about MAYBE 4 words spoken by her in French the entire movie after she gives her name & age in the beginning, she also nods in total understanding & responds to commands given to her in English as though she speaks it fluently throughout the movie. Which makes me wonder: Why doesn't she ever speak a single word of it to either set of her English speaking parents (Phillipe/LeFevre or Cusack & his evil cohort/girlfriend)? Can she even speak at all beyond the approximately 4 words I have mentioned that we hear in this movie? Is there any reason that Ryan Phillipe & Rachelle LaFevre actually believe this little girl is a child they should WANT to take home after this affair, given the fact that she was in on the scam all along... & points a gun in their faces as soon as the bad guys are all dead? And just HOW do they plan to take her home, seeing as they have no papers or passport for her? Or should we not remember that when we watch this? And lastly, is there any reason why we shouldn't know the Jeep is going to fall off the cliff the very MOMENT that Ryan pulls Rachelle out of it safely (of course, the child is already safe & sound, as well...) I could not BE any more disappointed that a movie with such names as Cusack & Phillipe (both of whom I usually enjoy watching) & even Guzman would feature this level of bad acting - not so much by Cusack & Phillipe (or Weaver) as by some others - & such a poorly written plot. I'm trying to figure out why Briana Roy was just so stiff & unconvincing in her role, given that her bio claims that she does speak French (& Creole) in real life. I TOTALLY don't believe that the child in this movie comes from Haiti & speaks native French when I watch this movie, & we should be buying into that when we watch her, at least for the most part, for her to be cast as the actress in this role. I didn't think Roy actually knew French in real life upon watching this until I looked up her bio on IMDb, & I thought that was the reason for all her silence & stiff nodding throughout the movie! I'm not calling Roy a bad actress, but this role was either not well suited to her or she wasn't directed well. Guzman is so stiff that you almost think he's in on the scam the whole time as a corrupt police officer - his acting is unconvincing & LOOKS like acting. That's why I thought he was in on the scam! Let's not even get into the horrible special effects, like the Jeep looking & sounding like a tin-can when it falls down the cliff to the ocean & rocks below, or the sped-up action shots of the car chase. Can I please have a refund on those minutes of my life I spent watching this?
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