Batman: The Purr-fect Crime (1966)
Season 1, Episode 19
BAT-TLE of the Sexes, Comic Book Style
11 January 2015
INTRODUCING YET ANOTHER of the long standing Batman enemies, this fine first season continues to hit all the right categories. The female foe owes her origin to BATMAN COMICS # 1, Spring 1940*. Originally using the name of 'The Cat', her specialty was burglary (as in 'Cat Burglar'). Although her identity was never used on the BATMAN TV Series, she was identified as Selina Kyle, socialite.

OUR TELEVISION COUNTERPART was, nonetheless, a most interesting antagonist for the Dynamic Duo. With the both obvious, yet underlying element of s-e-x being at the heart of any confrontation, criminal plot or ultimate resolution, we are kept interested far beyond any "camp humor."

THE CASTING OF the quite tall dancer and actress from the Broadway Stage, Julie Newmar, gave us a most interesting nemeses for our heroes. Miss Newemar's costuming managed to straddle the fence between the sensual and good (TV) taste. Her skillful and classic manipulation of the King's English put the proper interpretation on a character who is from the upper classes.

THE CRIME SPREE was naturally done in an all-feline motif, as should be expected. Her henchmen all sported cat-like nicknames. Even her hideout and front was the Gato & Chat Fur Company; the name being derived from foreign language words for C-A-T!


NOTE * Although BATMAN premiered in Detective Comics no. 27,1939, BATMAN Comics came along a year later; the former being an anthology, the latter featuring all BATMAN stories. Interestingly enough, this no. 1 BATMAN Comics also brought the World the 1st appearance of the Joker.
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