Review of Betas

Betas (2013–2014)
No good for women in tech or any modern geek
10 January 2015
Thankfully it's not Big Bang Theory

I couldn't rate it 0 so it gets a 1. I watched the first episode that's all it took me to see all the red smelling flags. I'm a geek and I like watching shows about geeks, it can always be inspiring and fun content. Last year I traveled to San Francisco and I saw the poster for this show everywhere, so I wanted to check it out. Also I noticed that it was made by Amazon, in other words, a geek show for geeks by geeks, so I had the hope of not stumbling upon the nonsensical stereotypes of geeks from the 80's who love Star Wars and RPG (like the dummy Big Bang Theory).

It is a hipster show

Well indeed, you don't find that in the show. Instead you find the young hipster almost like a teenager whose big revolutionary idea is to create a dating app, duh. If it was not the dating app, it would have been maybe a restaurant app, to be more original? For that matter maybe the show wanted to illustrate the shallowness of the tech culture in the Valley where they want to create popular but fundamentally useless apps. I mean forget all about the "change the world" motto, this show is absolutely not about that. If it was just that, and we actually learned a bit more about the ropes of the business culture it could have been OK.

Filled with misogyny

But unfortunately the show was just not funny and still stereotyping in a way. Basically, you had the tech guys, the networking founder and the marketing girl.

What I hated was the need to inject misogyny in the show like it is a requirement because it is the tech field. Best way to repulse women from the field really. The misogyny is so blatant! Within a few minutes of the show we see the 35 years old cave man developer skyping with a naked girl and drooling over the sight of her stripping for him. The image is very crude and disgusting. And this is how they depict the geek. I thought it was offensive for developers because I work with them, and it is not true that they are like that. The guys who are like that and openly misogynous in the workplace are actually the incompetent ones, those who desperately need approval from their peers to look cool by stating misogynous comments. But those who are competent and who are more likely to end up creating their own start-ups are actually really smart in that sense, they are not misogynous. 35 and misogynous like a pig is a really pathetic representation of how geeks really are.

But the misogyny doesn't stop there. The women are depicted as total angry bitches, you do not want to know them or be friends with them, because they are horrible human beings! The marketing girl is always shutting down men like she is so superior and wanted by everybody. The investor is an old sex hungry billionaire. Within a few minutes, I detected the "sex-hungry cave men chasing the female preys" pattern mixed with the lousy dating app plot. So I thought, OK I get it. It's another show for teenagers where all the guy wants is to get the girl, and the girl is just there to decorate or to act as the guy's carrot. No link whatsoever with technology. So lame.

So please, reboot and innovate

I am really concerned about how unconscious the producers are to perpetuate clichés about geeks and their unwillingness to innovate in storytelling when they're in the very business of innovation in the tech field. They don't make the tech field progress with this kind of show, they just make it regress. This type of show repulses the women in tech and developers, but it also doesn't motivate anyone to join the field. It celebrates the cave man sex-hungry style that should be so banned from tech culture like bad hygiene. The modern geeks are really not like that.

So to the producers: go get an update in reality and make another show. By doing so, you might also see that the women in that field 1. exist and 2. are very normal people, not horrible human beings like you think. I wrote this review also to notify that there IS a female geek audience to this type of show, and making good geek shows for all the audience can only be better for the tech field so that everyone gets inspiration, motivation and fun out of it, instead of stupid drooling for the cave men and disgust for the women.

Anyway, I'm glad that as I write this, the show has been canceled. I hope they come in here to check the logs and try to understand why it was such a massive failure and then reboot. I will give a shot to the Silicon Valley show, hopefully their big idea is not the dating app.
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