Mongolian Death Worm (2010 TV Movie)
I loved it, but I went in not expecting much to begin with
31 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Mongolian Death Worm is like a Tremors rip-off of sorts and it had a 3.3/10 rating at the time I wrote this review. Okay, it was a made-for-TV Sy-Fy channel movie with what looked like giant killer sleeping bags devouring an oil refinery (which was obviously a dam if you know what to look for), of course it's a bad movie... but 3.3/10 stars? Is that really fair? I watched this movie expecting it to be terrible, but it wasn't so bad, in fact it was a cheesy, funny horror movie with a story that managed to be engaging enough that I could ignore the various flaws in the film. I love cheesy, bad horror movies (my first was the underrated 1982 Canadian film Deadly Eyes). Maybe I'm giving this movie a much higher rating than it deserves, but I still enjoyed it.


-A story that holds up and manages to be engaging

-A cast you can laugh at (the characters were pretty funny, too)

-Cool shots of an industrial dam, or the "oil refinery"

-Half-decent CGI

-Okay soundtrack

-No nasty fart jokes


-The "death worms" were eating people throughout the movie, but they hardly looked scary or threatening at all, in fact they looked sort of cute... not good for a horror movie.

-The do-gooder doctor lady's character got on my nerves

-Enviro-propaganda anti-fracking message added in it, which was highly annoying (oil drilling/fracking employs much of my province and other Canadian areas (out west there's a large oil industry and here in the east we've got the potential for hydrofracking) and things like these movies are highly exaggerated, making fracking and drilling look bad

-Terrible script lines

-Not the best actors/actresses

-Not a very creative title

-Not a very original movie

The cons outweigh the pros but I've seen worse. I enjoyed Mongolian Death Worm much more than that Hunger Games cr*p that's out everywhere right now and movies are made not always to be good, sometimes just to make people laugh. It's obvious that the production company knew MDW would never get any further than a direct-to-DVD, low-rating release, and I stand by my opinion that it was a fun little movie to pass the time with.
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