Horrible in everyway possible.
30 December 2014
Its not the worst film of the year but its close.

This must have been the directors first ever time behind a camera. The acting is vomit and story line just complete disgrace.

I have no idea but casting decide to find the worst 60 year old actors possible to pretend to be tough, but it was like watching your grandad trying to fight your 14 year old cousin after he has had a few. Also why did they cast an American lady as a female detective?? No middle aged ugly ladies acting any more in England. Did she attempt a British accent? (no that would take skill or talent).

The story line revolves around a little gang who kills and one time gangsta, revenge ensues and you are surrounded by charters talking about how the older pricks (who are drug dealers or criminals of some sort) would never let it happen in there day, only these guys are gangstas so wouldn't they of been arseholse in there day?? A horrible cast of wooden acting all through the movie but the shoot out scene in the hospital is so bad i started laughing. So a bunch of teens walk into a hospital with guns in England??? Then who are the first to respond oh just the same police investigating the murder.

Look I can pick this garbage apart all day but its just plain crap.
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